WebSight Design Launches New Site for Pac Union
WebSight Design Launches New Site for Pac Union

WebSight Design Launches New Site for Pac Union

October 12, 2010

WebSight Design is proud to announce the launch of PacUnion.com, an industry leading web site for Caifornia's premiere real estate brokerage firm. WebSight Design was hired in February 2010 to provide project management and search engine optimization services. It was our privilege to work closely with Pacific Union management including Mark McLaughlin, CEO and Rick Henson, CIO. We also interacted with a team of talented vendors including:

Supporting over 450 agents, the new PacUnion.com web site services tens of thousands of clients. 80 staff members in 20 separate offices use it. It includes cutting edge sales tools for the real estate agents and a broker administrator control panel. The new site is more efficient, satisfies the needs of clients, and was built to enhance productivity.  

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