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WSD launches Charles Clapp Law Office web site

WSD launches Charles Clapp Law Office web site

May 31, 2011

Referred to us by a long-time client, Charles Clapp is an attorney based in Boston, Massachusetts who, prior to contacting WSD, did not have a website. We essentially created a "brochure site," which highlights who he is, what areas of law he practices, and how potential clients can contact him. We built a contact form, which stores submissions in a database, and also integrated a Word Press blog so that the client could update News items and various notes himself. In addition, we provided the client with some basic search engine optimization. We set up a Google Analytics account for him and installed the tracking code so he could monitor site traffic. We created a sitemap.xml file and submitted that to the search engines. This file helps the search engines to index web pages quicker, which is important for a new site like this one that has never been indexed before. Keyword research was performed to develop page titles and meta descriptions. Charles Clapp Law Offices operates in various fields- real estate, estate planning, commercial real estate, and business representation. On the site, visitors can find all the services related to each practice area, client testimonials, and some news in connection with the firm and its business area like the Massachusetts Real Estate Forecast.  

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