Gene Kilgore is world renowned for traveling thousands of miles exploring America's ranches, bringing ranch country to people worldwide, and being a best-selling author on the subject of dude ranches, fly fishing lodges, and just about anything that has to do with ranches. WebSight Design is proud to announce Kilgore's completely rebuilt and newly designed website: This simple yet comprehensive site is the premier dude ranch job listing service, offering employers and ranch job seekers a one stop source for finding just what they are looking for. lists every possible kind of ranch job one might have an opening for or be looking for. Currently posted positions include job listings such as:
- ranch management,
- wranglers,
- chefs and bartenders,
- counselors for youth programs,
- general ranch managers,
- maintenance workers,
- guides for hiking, fishing, fly-fishing, white-water rafting, and hunting,
- horsemanship instructors,
- and the list goes on.
Every year, ranches in the United States and worldwide hire employees, both seasonal and year-round, to fill their many positions. While many of the jobs require hard work and skill, the locations of the ranches are in some of the most beautiful country and offer unique opportunities to become part of a team of exceptional folk. If you're a ranch owner with jobs to fill or you're looking to work on a ranch, is the first and only step you'll need to take! While the site features jobs available in the United States, particularly ranch jobs in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Arizona and California, Kilgore's ultimate goal is to have the site include jobs from ranches around the world. And with such a great new site and reasonable subscription fees to employers, his vision is bound to be reality in short time.